
Data Protection and Digital Asset Security: Our Imperative Commitment

At My NEO Group, we recognize the fundamental importance of safeguarding our clientele's data and digital assets. To that end, we've seamlessly integrated state-of-the-art encryption protocols and adhere to the pinnacle of security standards, reaffirming our unwavering commitment.

Our collaboration with premier global entities enables us to harness the latest technological advancements, ensuring our security apparatus remains on the vanguard of innovation.

ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certification:

Our adherence to this standard has undergone rigorous verification by TÜV Rheinland, an eminent independent audit firm. With over a century and a half dedicated to enhancing safety and quality, TÜV Rheinland's validation accentuates our dedication to best-in-class data protection.

Penetration Testing:

Our devotion to airtight security leads us to periodically engage with specialized external auditing entities. These firms conduct exhaustive penetration testing, ensuring that our technological framework stands robust against potential vulnerabilities.

Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Mitigation:

We've implemented a comprehensive suite of preventative measures tailored to neutralize DDoS threats. Our commitment remains resolute in persistently fortifying our security infrastructure against evolving cyber challenges.

Multi-Cloud Operational Strategy:

By diversifying across multiple cloud service providers, we bolster our infrastructure's resilience, ensuring service continuity and peak performance, even in the face of unforeseen adversities.

Strategically Positioned Server Infrastructure:

Our servers, dispersed across pivotal geographical regions including the US, EU, and Asia, underscore our commitment to delivering unparalleled service. This distribution guarantees optimal response times, maximizes operational performance, and maintains unwavering service availability.

Cutting-edge MPC (Multi-Party Computation) Technology:

We provide our clientele with the unparalleled assurance of MPC technology, a paradigm in digital asset security. Discover the intricacies of MPC technology.

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