NEO Wallet

NEO Wallet

NEO wallet is a highly secure and scalable crypto wallet infrastructure, offering flexible options for digital assets management for private, businesses and institutions of all sizes.

It's a digital wallet solution covering all the essential stress points of the modern digital wallet - the perfect balance between ease of use and security, successful and quick integration with multiple blockchains, key recovery system, and low-cost fees.

  • Multi-chain support

  • 90% lower fees

  • Encrypted backup

  • Protected with MPC technology - The most secure key management method for signing transactions

  • 24/7 control over your wallet

  • 30+ Networks Supported

  • 25ms Avg Processing Time

  • 25,000+ rq/s Enterprise-ready

  • 100+ TB of Big Data

NEO Wallet on NEO Dash

NEO Wallet on NEO X

Last updated