In Development

In Development


NEO Open Banking

Aggregate all your bank accounts and even your crypto wallets

⚙️ In Development

NEO Broker

DeFi crypto plugin

⚙️ In Development

NEO Custody

Institutional custodian solution

⚙️ In Development


The new encrypted instant messaging service

⚙️ In Development

NEO Merchant

Crypto payment gateway

⚙️ In Development

NEO Smart Chain

Native L1 blockchain

⚙️ In Development

NEO Farm

Get low-risk passive income with our mining rental solutions.

⚙️ In Development

NEO Island

The private island of NEO. Tokenized 100% in NRT.

⚙️ In Development

NEO Future Value

Objective and scientific evaluation of cryptoassets without any conflict of interest

⚙️ In Development

NEO Swap

Fees/NRT Automatic exchange, powered by A.I

⚙️ In Development

NEO Node

Node-as-a-service provider to connect crypto nodes by using API key.

⚙️ In Development

NEO Cash Flow

Passive income for NEO Circle Members

⚙️ In Development

NEO Trade

Take advantage of artificial intelligence to obtain potential passive income.

⚙️ In Development

NEO Angel

The start-up incubator

⚙️ In Development

NEO Cloud Minting

CLOUD MINTING is a service that allowes us to rent an hardware inside a mining farm

⚙️ In Development

NEO Crypto TAX

Easily Calculate Your Crypto Taxes for free

⚙️ In Development

Last updated